Gucci Horsebit Shield Sunglasses$99.98 (was $275-- save 63%!)
Available at: SmartBargains
Has the summer sun got you going all squinty? The best way to save your peepers and make an instant fashion statement at the same time is to sport a pair of chic designer sunglasses. With designer sunglasses clocking in at $200 to $300 a pair these days, it's hard to justify the splurge. I should know: my Gucci sunglasses fixation has cost me a pretty penny over the years!
Want to score a pair of designer sunglasses for a fraction of retail price? Online outlet SmartBargains has just started a huge $99.98 Designer Sunglasses Sale. They currently have over 100 pair of high-end designer shades all priced at a mere $99.98-- no matter what their original asking price was!
Marc Jacobs Aviator Sunglasses$99.98 (was $260-- save 61%!)
Available at: SmartBargains
Click either photo to link directly to where you can purchase that pair of designer sunglasses online and on sale for a mere $99.98, or visit the entire $99.98 Designer Sunglasses Sale at SmartBargains. Want the fist word on the most unbelievable online sales? Subscribe to Stiletto Jungle and get free updates by e-mail or RSS.
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