Walter Linen Gaucho Pants$29.99 (was $190-- save 84%!)
Available at: SmartBargains
Warmer weather does translate into relaxed style, but it doesn't mean a season of sloppy dressing. Today's Online Deal is a dressy gaucho in a fabric and cut that will keep you cool on the hottest of days without sacrificing an ounce of style.
These chic linen gaucho pants from the up and coming Walter label are perfect for injecting your warm weather wardrobe with classy style. Walter, a label commonly found at places like Barney's Co-Op, is known for creating wardrobe staples with extraordinary fit. These gauchos are no exception. They are available in Black (shown) and White linen and both colors are on sale for a mere $29.99-- 84% off retail price.
Click on the photo to link directly to where you can purchase these Walter Linen Gaucho Pants online and on sale. Want the best hand-picked designer deals delivered right to your inbox? Subscribe to Stiletto Jungle and get free updates by e-mail or RSS.
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